Tne effective way to for pest removal is through the integration of different techniques and equipment, collectively called pest control management. It involves not just the use of chemical pesticides but other mechanical, biological, and chemical methods. Pest control services in Singapore uses only the approved methods and equipment to control infestation, although depending on the assessment, it is no different from using commercial-grade chemicals you can usually find in stores.
But professional pest control solutions follow strict regulations and processes. Let’s take a look at some of these.
Hygiene and Prevention
The best way to get rid of cockroaches and eradicate irritating bugs is to maintain a clean home or office in Singapore. Without easy access to sources of food, pests cannot thrive in such an environment. In fact, even if the household regularly sprays organic pesticides to prevent bug infestation, the method will not work if the pests keep coming back and breeding in large numbers. A pest problem is first tackled on by pointing out the probable sources of the issue. These could be improper waste disposal, leftover food, poor hygiene, poorly-maintained facilities such as water pipe leaks, and dirty kitchens and bathrooms. The goal of maintaining proper hygiene are the following: eliminate food sources, eliminate water sources, and eliminate pest shelter.
Common Pests
Some of the most common pests you will find in areas where humans thrive in Singapore are the following: cockroaches, rats and mice, ants, bugs, clothes moth, dust mite, flies, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, stink bugs, termites, gnats, and silverfish. Not all of these can cause significant property damage and post health risks is the numbers are very low, but they carry parasites and diseases which might harm family members if they come into contact with the droppings or are bitten. After all, mosquitoes pose the biggest threats to most humans as they carry a number of life-threating diseases.
Pesticide Use
Once the pest exterminator has been able to identify the possible causes of infestation, the first method usually recommended is to apply professional-grade chemical treatment. Unlike the insecticides you will find in shops, pest experts are licensed to use various types of pesticides for specific targets. Why not use just one type of chemical? Although the goal is to terminate pest, the pest control worker also has to prevent elimination of non-target species. These are animals that are not considered pests and are beneficial for the environment. Examples of these are butterflies, bees, ornamental plants, herbs, etc. which might be found near or around your area. Commonly, pest control chemicals are classified into the following categories: insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, bactericides, fungicides, and larvicides.
Pesticide Issues
A thorough evaluation must first be done before pesticide treatment can begin. For example, to remove termites, the experts must first identify the species and where to apply the chemical. The extent of the damage is also estimated to determine if a renovation might be needed. Another destructive pest, the bed bug can also be tricky to control because they breed fast. The owner of the house might be advised to dispose of furniture and clothing if the infestation is great. The owner can also opt for organic chemical treatment if they are concerned about the safety of the family and their pets. The exterminators will then determine how best to apply the chemicals. These can be surface-spraying, pressurized sprays, motorized sprays, power spraying, and application by painting. Finally, they will have to calculate the correct amount of chemical to be used as most pesticides are in concentrated form.
Termite Treatment
On the subject of termite control, most professionals use three guaranteed methods to control the numbers. First is soil treatment which targets termites that live in the surrounding soil. The soil around the house is treated to act as a sort of barrier against the insects. Second is wood treatment which is the application of sprays or foams on wood to prevent infestation. Now this only works if there is no infestation yet, so if your apartment already has termites, you will want to schedule a renovation and replace destroyed walls with treated materials. The last method, bait system, aims to destroy colonies. This means placing baits in the perimeter of the home.
Organic Method
The most commonly used organic chemical for pests is sodium fluoroacetate, which is biodegradable and can be mixed with baits. It works on a lot of pests and can be applied through spays, oils, soaps, and others. Because of its versatility, it is also cheaper than other chemicals.
Rodent Control
Besides cockroaches, one of the most common pests are rats and mice. There are several mechanical methods that might help to exterminate rodents. But if there is a large infestation, it will take more than traps to kill rats. A guaranteed pest control method for a large population of rodents is to use rodenticides places in areas where they get their food. These can be used along with mechanical traps if the owner wants a 24 hours pest removal.
Mechanical Methods
Pest control services also make use of sophisticated mechanical methods to remove pests. They don’t just use traps and baits these days, but also insect netting, temperature treatments (through hot water, hot air, solarization, and steaming), flooding, and removal of plants that may be attracting pests. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic insect repellents are also safe methods. The former uses the wiring in your home to transmit electromagnetic frequencies that will disturb pests, while the latter uses high-frequency sound waves to repel rodents and insects.
Biological Control
This method is only recommended for greenhouses and farms. The idea of the pest control management to introduce the pest’s natural predators, parasites, and pathogens to control their numbers. Sounds a bit dangerous, right? But it has worked well with proper application and monitoring.