Electrical glitches, such as a burning odor, flickering lights, frequent electrical sparks, and other related issues often indicate home electrical problems. Home electrical problems give off early warning signs before they turn into a serious problem – so it pays a lot to pay attention to them.
For you and your family’s safety, it’s advised to familiarize yourself with the early symptoms of an electrical problem. Know what the red flags are and take immediate action when you find them. Being vigilant may enable you to protect your home from full-blown disasters brought by glitches in electrical works.
Regular assessment and repairs by a good electrician is necessary to prevent dangerous situations. Keep in mind that even a small electrical problem that might seem unimportant may lead to electrocution or massive property damage later.
Some homeowners opt to troubleshoot electrical issues in their residences themselves. Common electrical problems are often easy to remedy, especially if one has some background in basic electrician services. Even if you’re confident you know your way with wires, always follow safety protocols and practice caution.
However, knowledge over the basics can only do so much. Some technical problems need a proper diagnosis from a licensed electrician, as they are the only one with the expertise to properly handle electrical problems. Keep in mind that an electrician is well-trained on his/her area of expertise. Booking the help of an electrical services Singapore can help you fix your electrical issues.
If you notice or experience the following electrical problems, contact your local electrician services company to fix the issue before it does further damage to your person or property.
1. Electrical shocks
Electrical shocks generally come as an unpleasant surprise after plugging a wire in a socket or touching appliances. If you feel a mild shock or tingle every time you do so, the appliance may have a ground fault or improper electrical wiring. This is a dangerous electrical condition that can cause further damage if left unattended.
It’s encouraged to take every type of electrical shock seriously. Avoid touching electrical appliances such as plugged-in extension cords or electric blow dryers when your hand is wet. Dry your hands first to prevent any shock that may ensue.
If the shocks continue to happen frequently, it’s best to consider booking the assistance of a nearby electrician in Singapore. You wouldn’t want to risk the situation growing worse.
2. Circuit breaker problems
An electrical circuit can become overloaded; when this happens, the circuit breaker is designed to prevent the wires from overheating and possibly starting a fire after it shuts off the main electrical supply. However, even this safety measure can pose a problem when they become old.
Frequent circuit breaker tripping can suggest simple overloads. One way to test this is to plug the appliance in a different circuit. If the breaker trips occasionally, it’s in your best interests to seek the help of an electrician. Working your way inside an electrical panel requires expertise and skill – and it’s considerably unwise to risk ‘doing it yourself’ if you don’t have a solid background in electrician services.
Keep in mind that power may still enter the panel despite shutting off the main breaker. One simple mistake can cause overheating or fire, as this type of work isn’t meant for experimenting. Thus, it’s better to leave the job to an experienced professional.
3. Flickering lights
A staple of horror movies, flickering lights indicate a loose or defective light bulb. Although this can be averted by simply replacing the bulb, in some cases, the problem may still continue even after replacement. One fault might be because of the light fixture but this is not always the case. To address the problem, consult a skilled electrician nearby in Singapore.
Another common reason is a loose fixture connections or loose electrical wiring in the circuit breaker box. Either way, it’s ideal to book professional diagnosis to ensure a complete electrical repair.
4. Burning odor, sparks
Once you notice a burning odor emanating from any switch or outlets, turn off the electrical panel’s power immediately. It is also encouraged to contact an electrician for appropriate and necessary repairs as soon as the odor is noticed. The issue might be because of a faulty device or a wiring/overload problem which is highly urged to be resolved ASAP. It is also considerably a serious issue because it may indicate the beginning of an electrical fire.
Also, beware of large and frequent sparks every time you plug in a device. While occasional sparks are not unusual, its frequent occurrence may indicate a problem with the circuit or the outlet. If it is accompanied with a popping sound, it may be because a wire is loose.
5. Defective electrical outlets
Defective electrical outlets, along with light switches that only work intermittently, are also early signs of a home electrical problem. Common faults may be due to loosened wiring or internally cracked device. A loose plug in a receptacle can pose a serious problem to the residents of your house. The plug may partially fall out, and any unsuspecting person can end up accidentally receiving a nasty shock after unplugging the chord.
Have a skilled electrician inspect and assess your wiring at home to determine if there are any necessary repairs to be done as soon as possible.
Diagnosing these electrical problems may be tricky, so it’s better to seek assistance from an experienced professional. There are risks involved in wirings and electrical works. It’s always better to follow safety procedures and consult a nearby electrician to address the problems in your household.
*This list is compiled in no particular order.*