Redesigning an Heirloom Ring

Do you have an heirloom ring you want to redesign or a family diamond you want to use in your engagement ring? If so, know that there are a few things you have to consider. Other than searching for a design, you have to look for a trusted jeweller, get your family’s approval, and keep in mind a few etiquettes when resetting a significant piece of jewellery that’s been around for generations. Make sure to pick up these points so you won’t offend yourself, the family, and especially grandma.

Variety of Heirloom Rings

Heirloom rings can come from different people in the family, not necessarily from the immediate family. They could be from an aunt, someone from the step family, or even from a cousin.

Some heirloom rings don’t even have to be engagement rings as well. They can simply be sentimental rings given to celebrate other occasions, such as anniversaries and birthdays. Also, some heirloom pieces such as those from ling jewellery in Singapore are made out of on-traditional items, like a gemstone or a brooch.

While heirloom pieces follow no age limit, there’s certainly a great amount of sentimental value in any wedding ring passed down through generations, so it’s important to preserve it and be careful with any changes you’re making with it.

Asking the Family to Use the Ring

Asking your—or your partner’s—family to use the vintage jewellery to be your proposal ring can be as nerve-wracking as asking your girlfriend’s hand in marriage.

Remember that it’s best not to assume you’ll be granted with the request. But before doing so, it’s a good idea to get to know the person more who has the ring. If you are not already close with the person, take the extra time and effort to get to know them prior to making the request.

When you have already expressed your request, give the person some time to think. It helps a lot to say something about how you value your girlfriend and that it would be an honour to propose to her with the Singapore made ring.

If the family member passes over the ring, never forget to thank them for their consideration and thoughtfulness. Heirloom engagement rings don’t grow on trees. The person just made your proposal extra special.

Before Making Any Changes

First and foremost, make sure it’s okay for the giver of the ring to do some changes. Grandma wouldn’t like to be surprised seeing her wedding ring for the first time after it was altered. Be specific with the changes you want and make sure to inform them before doing anything. Here are some tips to start the discussion.

• If the ring’s current setting seems unpractical for your girlfriend’s lifestyle, mention how easier it would be for her to wear and take care of the ring when it is set in a more convenient setting. Redesigning the antique ring into a safer setting seems like a valid reason for an alteration.
• If the ring is too big or too small for your girlfriend’s hand, try bringing that up. Rings don’t look the same on everyone, and that could be a helpful way to convince them that changes may be necessary.
• If you think the ring’s design is too unique, suggest that an alteration may be necessary to make the antique piece work with your chosen wedding bands.
• If you wish to add some personal touches to the proposal ring, don’t hesitate to mention. You might want to add other gemstones from another family member or a style that reflects your fiancé’s personality.

If after all the persuasion the giver of the heirloom piece still won’t budge, it is best not to push the idea of alteration and settle for it—or save the antique ring and get a brand new one instead. The best you can do is to express your thoughts politely and honestly, and accept whatever the result of the discussion is.

Finding a Jeweller

After you have convinced the giver of the ring to make the necessary changes, the next step is to find a reputable jeweller to work with.

Now, this part can be tricky as not all jewellers in Singapore accept the job. The reason being is that ring resetting is a risky job. Unless you are hand delivering the stone to your jeweller, you are going to be shipping the valuable item to and fro. This isn’t just scary for the jeweller, but for you as well.

Another delicate part of the process is the un-setting of the diamond from an existing piece of jewellery. This is always challenging for jewellers since it is almost impossible to unset a stone without injuring it. Furthermore, the value depreciates not only because of the damaged stone, but also due to the loss of the most parts of the antique ring.

However, although it’s not an ideal situation for these professionals, there are still some jewellers in Singapore who accepts this kind of job. Do not hesitate to ask, but be sure to ask nicely. This is a huge favour, and being extra nice could be your key.

An engagement ring is one of the major aspects of a proposal, but it certainly is not the most important. If having an heirloom piece just seems out of the picture, give other options a chance and consider a sea of stunning choices you have with brand new ones.